Parangtritis is the most attractive black sandy beach located 27 km from Yogyakarta. It is also a historical place with the legend known as Queen of the South "Kanjeng Ratu Kidul" or "Nyai Roro Kidul" who was married to one of the Mataram Monarch, Panembahan Senopati of whom she visited and communed with on certain occasion.

With this historical legend, Parangtritis is believed to be a sacred place for meditation and a place to perform traditional ceremonies.

This sandy beach is easily reached from various routers. It has a beautiful scenery and lime stones hills.


This active volcano, Mount Merapi is situated north of Yogyakarta with a height of 2,920 meters above sea level. There are hill resorts on the mountain slope for relaxations with invigorating weather and one of them is well known as "Kaliurang".

Mountain climbing, camping and observing the incredible active volcano can be arranged through local in house Tour Operators.

Driving through Yogykarta's countryside, guests will enjoy the scenic farmlands spread out with the horizon of the mountainous landscape.


Borobudur temple is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which was built by Sanmaratungga in the most glorious time of Cailendra Dynasty in the 8 Century. This magnificent monument has a total of 1460 carved store relic, which describes the life story of Buddha.

Located 42 km from Yogyakarta, the Borobudur Temple is best seen in the early hours of the morning during sunrise and from the top of the temple, visitors can also enjoy the beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding farmland.


Located 17 km from the city of Yogyakarta, Prambanan Temple was built during the Canjaya Dynasty in the 9 Century. This Hindu Temple consists of three courtyard and surrounded by several small temple called "Perwara Temple" and in the Hindu Trinity: Chiwa, Wishnu and Brahma.

Only 20 minutes from the hotel, you can experience the traditional Ramayana Dance during full moon


The Sultan's Palace or Kraton was firstly name is Ngayogyakarto Hadiningratan and founded in year 1755 by Pangeran Mangkubumi, which was then called Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I.

With the historical building designs, Kraton has many sets of traditional gamelan instruments, antiques and heirlooms that makes the Sultan's Palace one of the most interesting tourist sites in Yogyakarta.

Only five minutes from Melia Purosani Hotel, this palace is now as the dwelling place of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X and his family.


Benteng Vredeburg was built in 1765 by the Dutch during the colonial domination in Yogyakarta to protect the Dutch residents from the cannon shots Indonesia soldiers in the Sultan's Palace.

Only within walking distance from the city center of Yogyakarta, this historical fort was built a unique rectangular shape with bastions and ramparts in each corner.


The Imogiri Royal Cemetery was built in year 1545, a burial ground for all the Kings of Mataram Kingdom and the cemetery have to wear the traditional clothes and climb up abouth 345 stairs to reach a top of the hills where the tomb of Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo, the third King of the Mataram Kingdom was buried.

This Royal Cemetery is located on a beautiful hill about 20 km from the Royal City, Yogyakarta.